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I'm 77 and from 'Netherlands' - (Netherlands)
I'm looking for a woman
I'm interested in: Friends, Romance, Short Term Relationship or Long Term Relationship
[Last logged on : A long time ago]
Truly important things are ineffable
I like: intelligence; the curves of a woman's neck; the feel of mud between my toes; china, linen, crystal, and silver; thoughtful surprises; the writings of Joseph Conrad, Cormac McCarthy, Kundera, Murakami, Barth, Burgess, Pynchon, and Joyce Carol Oates; black lingerie; the implied rectitude of capture en passant; building a log fire; engraved stationery; good manners; kaleidoscopes, mechanical clocks, and fountain pens; Lagavulin; spooning; big, floppy, sloppy, furry dogs and sleek cats; the rush after opening the cupboard containing my spices; ladies in hats; the grandeur of formal church services; rough-textured oatmeal; flea markets; the work of Escher, Monet, Rothko; Cassandra; Lovelock's Gaia concept; beef Wellington; life-long friends; the burble of a well-tuned exhaust system; cashmere; lots of ice; red, fluffy socks; Gregorian chant; hands; the elegance and ubiquity of the number "pi"; the works of Satie, Bach, Johnny Lee Hooker, Arvo Part, and Miles Davis; long, soft, moist kisses; ironed, crisply-starched shirts; the laughter of small children; John 14:16-18; well-polished brass; courage, candor, loyalty, and honor; Armagnac in a snifter; Haiku, the Tao Te Ching and the work of ee cummings; furiously pounding rain; exquisitely-wrapped gifts; sleeping in a cool room; well-maintained leather; Gothic cathedrals, skyscrapers, and suspension bridges; cinnamon toast; the Thanksgiving holiday; pursuit of cooking the perfect omelette; Paris, Barcelona, Bologna, and Marrakesh; wrist caresses; the wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi, Robert Pirsig, Winston Churchill, and Jordan Peterson; the prospect of deep space exploration; warmed towels; the music of bagpipes and military bands; discretion; cocktail parties; gladioli; direct, blunt, candid discourse; wines from the Central Otago valley; sling sandals below a well-turned ankle; pillar box red; sardines, onion, and mustard on saltines; frosty mornings; salacious whispers; Feynman's QED theory; and periods of solitude.
Get in touch
Basic Info
Marital Status Divorced
Has Children Yes - but not living with me
Would like children? No
Hair Color Grey
Height 5' 11'' (1.8m)
Religion Spiritual
Smokes No
Dietary Preferences No Restrictions
Star Sign Virgo
Orientation Straight
Heritage White
Education Masters
Eye Colour Brown
Body Type Athletic
Politics Centre-Right
Drinks Regular drinker
Like Animals Yes
I am co-founder of a company developing electronic, interactive multimedia for web and mobile devices. We launch our first product soon. Yay!!!
I earned degrees in engineering, political science, and management from solid institutions in the USA, which gave a broad basis for acquiring most knowledge . I would trade them all for wisdom.
Beautiful, young English girl and handsome, dashing USAAF lieutenant from west Texas fall in love at the end of WWII...
Religion: many attempts to give meaning to, to answer the mysteries of, life. To me, the more dogmatic they are, the less attractive. One has to figure out for himself.
I believe the proper role of government is to strengthen and preserve the institutions of society, not to "improve" society. I have little respect for the "political class".
A man should try to make the best of what he has but be content with what he has. No deception.
Languages Spoken:
German, I attained proficiency in German at grad school, but that was a long time ago.
Music Enjoyed:
Blues, Choral, Classical, Jazz, Opera, World Music
Sports and exercise:
I walk and exercise with light weights regularly.
Interests and activities:
Art, Chess, ...ceroc, Gardening, Reading, Theatre
Animals and Pets:
I have no pets.
Newspapers and magazines:
Economist, Financial Times
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, George Orwell, Iain Banks, John Le Carré, Salman Rushdie, Stephen King, I believe most of the above authors are primarily novelists. Non-fiction for a holiday (at least, for next week) would include works by: C Hitchens and N N Taleb and Feynman's "Lectures on Physics".
Favourite Films:
Cinema Paradiso, The Godfather, Les Enfants du Paradis, Taxi Driver, 2001
Enjoyable evening out:
Art Gallery, Meal, Theatre
Favourite Dishes:
A Chinese banquet. When eating out, I try to order dishes I do not cook at home, or favorites that offer an interesting adaptation. I am, at home, working my way through a Moroccan and a Spanish cook book.
Ideal Holiday:
Driving slowly around Ireland, Learning to paint in Provence, Safari in Africa, Scuba diving in Thailand
In another life:
Einstein, Gandhi, Leonardo Da Vinci, Picasso, an artist
Aware, Confident, Courageous, Independent, Optimistic, Positive, Reliable, Reserved, Serious, Strong, Strong willed, Thoughtful
Get in touch 356611
Provenance: GenuinelyPatrick directly joined our original site - internet dating for thinking people